Bishop deutsch

Bishop name German translation of 'bishop' Word Frequency bishop [ˈbɪʃəp] noun 1. (Eccl) Bischof m thank you, bishop vielen Dank, Herr Bischof 2. (Chess) Läufer m Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Video: pronunciation of bishop Examples of 'bishop' in a sentence bishop Example sentences from the Collins Corpus.

Bischof englisch

And this bishop dare d to conclude: "If you. [ ] receive it well, you are yourselves what you receive," that is, by the power. [ ] of the Spirit you become the Body of Christ, a crumb of bread in the bread and a drop of wine in the cup, meant to nourish the world.
Bishop deutsch schach German Bishop Helmut Dieser of Aachen speaks during a news conference in Fulda Sept. 28, Bishop Dieser is pleading for the Catholic Church to take a new perspective on sexuality.

Bishop chess After the demise of his father, Bishop German Ross appointed him as Pastor. In addition, he served in the California North Central Jurisdiction under Bishop German Ross as (Y.P.W.W. President), under Bishop Martin Clifton as (Chairman of the Executive Board) and under Bishop Donald Murray as (Administrative Assistant).

Rook deutsch In an interview with the German magazine Bunte published on March 4, Bishop Georg Bätzing agreed with the journalist’s assertion that “no one” adhered to the Church’s teaching that sexuality.

Knight Earlier this year, one German bishop spoke so understandingly of homosexuality that "a year-old priest in a nearby town came out as gay and thanked the bishop for opening the door.".

Bishop bedeutung Blessed Clemens August, Graf von Galen, (born March 16, , Dinklage, Oldenburg, Germany—died March 22, , Münster), Roman Catholic bishop of Münster, Germany, who was noted for his public opposition to Nazism. Galen was ordained in in Münster, where, as a priest at St. Lambert’s, he published his Die Pest des Laizismus und ihre Erscheinungsformen (; “The Plague of.

Pawn deutsch VATICAN CITY, Nov 19 (Reuters) - A leading German Catholic bishop on Saturday contested the Vatican's view that debates about women priests and homosexuality were closed, saying they will have.